Michele Roden
MCC, CPCC, ORSCC | BluOpal CEO and Co-Founder
Clients say … “As I evaluated how this engagement went, I want you to know we went into this with a little anxiety and uncertainty if we would get much engagement from our team. I’m very pleased to say we felt it was a huge success. Even though the team may not have shared with you when you joined us, the discussions we had were truly beneficial in helping everyone feel connected to our plan and goals, and for understanding how they and their teams impact our plans. This process truly helped align our teams and reconnected them to our mission, vision and purpose for them rather than having to focus on COVID.” - Hospital CEO
What Michele likes best about her work: “When clients reflect and realize they have taken actions that made a real difference, people light up! I love seeing people in the moments they recognize the best part of themselves. We all have greatness and shadow. It is easier for many to know the shadow- what is not working, has not yet been accomplished or solved. It is more challenging and more rewarding to own the best part of ourselves and make intentional choices from there!”
- Leadership and executive development
- Team development
- Relationship communication
- Executive coaching
- Cultural development
- Strategy and execution
- Experiential learning design
- Customized coaching and consulting solutions tied to business results
- Industries: healthcare, retail, government, insurance, manufacturing
- ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC)
- Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
- Certified Organization & Relationship Systems Coach (ORSCC)
- Virtuoso, Certified Accelerating Coach Excellence (ACE)
- Certified in Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ)
- Certificate, Co-Active Leadership Program, The Coaches Training Institute
- Certified Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner
- Authorized Provider of Team Diagnostic Assessment
- Qualified to administer: Leadership Circle Profile 360°

Bruce Kawahara
CPCC | Co-Founder, BluOpal Consulting
Clients say… “Bruce offers an objective third-party perspective; I can ask him virtually anything without worrying about being PC or making a career-limiting move.” - Sr. Performance Specialist, Human Resources, Continental Western Insurance Co.
What Bruce likes best about his work: “I like to shine a light on the parts of people’s lives where they do not often look. These are places that are the foundations for passion, values, and fulfillment. Together we reflect these places upon the client’s day-to-day challenges and frustrations and ask ‘Why?’ or ‘Why not?’ These seem like such simple questions, and yet they are not. These are the conversations we do not easily have by ourselves.”
Bruce’s proudest moment in coaching: “I had a client who worked diligently to build a hefty database of customers in financial services yet felt unable to reach true success. He often spoke passionately about how he dedicated much of his free time in spiritual practice through his service of others. When I asked what was important about this, he said, “It’s because I’m supposed to be the servant.” I asked what the difference was between serving someone in need and serving someone in need of financial services. His eyes opened wide and he uttered, “There is no difference”. Today his business has more than doubled because he honors his values by seeing himself as serving everyone.”
- Leadership development
- Sales performance
- Executive coaching
- Organizational development consulting
- Strategic planning
- Career transitions
- Industries: healthcare, insurance, financial services, government, transportation
- Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
- Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching
- Former Co-Chair and Vice President, Iowa Coaches Association, a chapter of the International Coach Federation
- Certified Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner

Dannie McLaughlin
Clients say… “Dannie is a great help and always willing to improve processes to make bookkeeping easy and simple and not something to worry about every month” - Owner, small business
What Dannie likes best about her work:"The satisfaction that my clients are comfortable with their financials, and ready to make decisions to help their company grow.""
- Proficient in QuickBooks Online
- Proficient in Microsoft Excel
- Knowledge of e-commerce accounting
- Financial Analysis
- Regulatory Knowledge
- Knowledge of Sales and Use Tax preparation and filing
- Knowledge of payroll scheduling, and filing payroll liabilities
- Exceptional problem-solving, critical thinking, and time management skill
- Excellent interpersonal communication and presentation skills
- B.S. – Technical Management specializing in Accounting, DeVry University
- Currently achieving Masters in Accounting, Keller Graduate School, DeVry University

Debra J. Josephson
Clients say … “I will be forever grateful for the thought-provoking questions you asked me. The ‘a-ha’ moments are too numerous to count but each one was valuable in helping me to find my way.” - VP Human Resources, Manufacturing
What Debra likes best about her work: ““It is an absolute honor to observe the awakenings that people have in and about their lives. To watch people experience more joy, fulfillment and authenticity is an amazing process and contributes bit by bit to improving our human community.”
Debra’s proudest moment in coaching: “I’m proud of when a client realized that the pain of living life ‘asleep’ was greater than the fear of making a fundamental change. This change shook her old belief system of putting everyone else and their needs ahead of what she wanted and needed. She started ‘living life out loud’ and has not looked back since.”
- Emotional Intelligence
- Setting and reaching goals
- Identifying helpful or harmful patterns
- Accountability for positive change
- Dealing with addiction
- Industries: healthcare, manufacturing, consulting
- Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
- Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Augsburg College, Minneapolis MN
- Qualified to administer: EQi 2.0 and EQi 360° assessments

Laura West
Clients say … “Laura is the essence of creativity. She approaches problems and opportunities with a unique way of seeing the patterns, potential and the path. Where there was once chaos and confusion there is now clarity, confidence and a clear plan of action!”
What Laura likes best about her work: ““I love when people shift into possibility-land! When clients are able to see and own how their unique skills, personality, and expertise combines together to create their unique personal brand leadership, something shifts. The belief in what is possible and that they are the person to lead is palpable.”
- Executive /Entrepreneur Coaching
- Strategic Planning and Visioning
- Purpose, Passion and Profit
- Conscious Marketing and Branding
- Personal Brand Essence
- Women’s Leadership
- Innovation and Creativity
- Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
- Certificate, Co-Active Leadership Program, The Coaches Training Institute
- Great Story Coach
- Conversational IQ Enhanced Skills Facilitator
- Akashic Records Practitioner and Soul Realignment Coach
- Certified Business Development Coach, Entrevis
- Past Program Chairperson, Georgia Chapter, ICF
- Author, Joyful Business Guide –Right-Brain Business Plan for Creative Entrepreneurs
- Bachelor of Science, Business Administration in Marketing & Women’s Studies, Old Dominion University, Virginia

Meade Dickerson
Clients say … “Meade, has an amazing spirit that’s booming with a sense of pure aliveness. I wanted to have some of his spirit move me to the next level of my own journey, and he did just that. What does Buzz Lightyear say in the movie Toy Story? ‘To infinity and beyond!’ That’s Meade. That’s me. Man, we’re awesome!” - Management Consultant, Communications
What Meade likes best about his work: “Knowing that the work I do is what I am here for in the world. It is my true calling, and I feel lucky and blessed to have found it at such a young age. Coaching is who I am. How cool is it that I get to do the work that I love and get paid for it?!”
Meade’s proudest moment in coaching: “When a client told me that due to the work I had done with her, I had helped save her life. This client had gone through a horrific bout of cancer treatments while trying to change her life and her career. Our work together allowed her to move through the transition and heal with empowerment and grace.”
- Leadership development
- Team development
- Developing in-house coaching structures
- Emotional Intelligence for sales teams and leaders
- Enneagram Personality Typing Systems
- Industries: financial services, hospitality, real estate, technologies, publishing, shipping and transportation
- Master Certified Coach (MCC), International Coach Federation
- Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), The Coaches Training Institute
- Certificate, Co-Active Leadership Program, The Coaches Training Institute
- Coach & Practitioner, Positive Intelligence
- Past President, International Coach Federation, Miami Chapter
- Emotional Intelligence Certification, Talent Smart
- BA History and German, The College of William and Mary

Melissa Taylor
Clients say … “Melissa is brilliant- she thinks in such a big picture and makes her ideas relatable so next steps are clear. She sticks with us to ensure everyone understands how to make plans real.” - Owner, small business
What Melissa likes best about her work: “: I love the energy when a room of people starts to converge around some really unique, exciting goals. I think conflict, even when it is a bit messy, can lead us to deeper relationships and understanding. I am fascinated by what drives us, especially in an organizational setting, to choose new behaviors. And I am incredibly grateful I get to work on these types of problems with clients every single day!”
- Strategy and strategy execution
- Culture
- Transformational change
- Facilitation
- Behavioral change
- Innovation
- Writing
- 25+ years Fortune-500 level corporate strategy and strategy execution experience, including federal government affairs, culture, workforce/workplace planning, and innovation
- MBA, Texas Christian University
- MA, Critical & Creative Thinking, University of Nebraska, Omaha (candidate)
- BS, Marketing, Missouri Western State

Melissa Winter
Co-Active Coach
Clients say … "Melissa is exceedingly effective in leading strategic discussions, guiding conversations from abstract to tangible sustainable results. She enjoys diagnosing problems/opportunities, recognizing the humanity of the issues to be tackled and supporting teams and individuals as they navigate towards desired solutions.”
What Melissa likes best about her work: "Whether consulting an organization, training a group of individuals, or coaching 1:1, I cherish my role as facilitator and witness to the transformation that happens when a client achieves clarity and bravely charts a new course. Championing them in those moments gives my own life meaning and purpose.”
- Change management
- Customer and employee experience
- Data analysis and response design
- Individual coaching
- Organizational culture assessment and development
- Strategic communication
- Training and facilitation
- Industries: Education, healthcare, government, nonprofit
- Co-Active Coach, Coaches Training Institute
- Quality Improvement Essentials Course, a partnership between Children’s National Health System and Nationwide Children’s in Columbus, Ohio
- Lean Healthcare Certificate Program, Jack C. Massey Graduate School of Business (through Children’s National Health System)
- Bachelor of Science, Journalism, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana

Neeraj Bhagat
Clients say… “Neeraj is one of the smartest people I know and he sees the world so differently from me. As a result, I gain amazing new insights almost every time we talk. I would readily add him to my management team so I can get him all day long!” - Vice President of Sales, Large Technology Company
What Neeraj likes best about his work: Very simply, impacting how people experience life TODAY! We all have challenges with work, money, relationships, health, etc. And I find how we choose to engage with these challenges defines our experience, more so than the actual circumstances.
Neeraj’s proudest moment in coaching: My proudest moment was using coaching skills in a non-coaching situation. The leader of a 4-person management team asked for 30 minutes to address operational issues before we could start our scheduled meeting. I noticed the team was very demoralized, frustrated, and fighting with each other. By listening, asking a few key questions, and reflecting what I noticed, I helped the team leave two hours later inspired and unified. We got our work done and they hadn’t realized it. And yet they knew something magical had just happened.
- Team / Relationship Coaching
- Executive / Individual Coaching
- Strategic Planning
- Change Management
- Training and Facilitation
- Industries: technology, government, healthcare
- Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
- Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching
- Certificate, Co-Active Leadership Program, The Coaches Training Institute
- Masters Business Administration, The Darden School, University of Virginia
- Certified Project Management Professional (PMP)

Rhonda Van Diest
Clients say … “My sister and my whole family keep telling me that I never would have gotten these promotions and made this kind of money without your coaching. Thanks for teaching me about nonviolent communication and how to get along with tough coworkers” - Accountant, senior business manager
What Rhonda likes best about her work: “Seeing the tremendous energy and potential in my clients. I know that each one is magnificent, and I love watching each client revel in their own successes as they move through the coaching process. Having worked in organizations all over the world, I see the need for coaching and the efficiency and benefit of engaging a professional at this level.”
Rhonda’s proudest moment in coaching: “It’s always in seeing clients recognize limitations they have put on themselves – and make a conscious decision that those boundaries are unnecessary and no longer helpful. When they let go of those limitations and really examine why they hold ideas dear, the shift is really amazing to behold.”
- Challenging assumptions
- Executive and Individual Coaching
- Helping emerging leaders
- Organizational design and development
- Strategic planning
- Training design and delivery
- Meeting facilitation
- Industries: Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Federal Government Engineering & Architecture, Small Business
- ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
- Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
- Certified Red Team Coach
- MS in Organizational Development with a focus on Instructional System Design (ISD) and training delivery, George Washington University
- Graphic Facilitator, trained by Crowley & Co

Tamara Keefe
Clients say … “When the executive coaching opportunity was presented to me, I was somewhat hesitant. I needed to fully understand the structure, purpose and outcome. I asked myself what I wanted to accomplish and what my expectations of the executive coach would be. Tamara far exceeded my expectations. She was able to help me achieve clarity, vision, and a sense of purpose. Tamara was the calm during the storm all while making me feel empowered! Tamara had such a knack for seeing things that I didn’t see in myself. Each session was geared around my goals and it was up to me to make the most out of each meeting. Tamara was the guide. My time with Tamara was incredibly impactful!” - VP Talent Acquisition, Financial Services
What Tamara likes best about her work: “: I believe we all want loving, healthy, positive relationships at work and at home. We are happier, healthier, motivated, and more effective when we do. I love helping people suspend their certainty, build awareness, step into their strengths, and to lead and live with curiosity and courage. To me, it’s an honor to serve as a trusted thought partner to my clients, and it’s a privilege to witness the transformational changes they experience through the miraculous nature of this work.”
Tamara’s proudest moment in coaching: “It’s when my clients reach that special breakthrough moment when they become more fully aware of all they are capable of and clear about how to achieve it.”
- Dialogue Facilitation
- Service Excellence
- Leadership Development and Coaching
- Personal and Family Coaching
- Training and Facilitation
- Holding wide-open possibilities
- Industries: Healthcare, Biotech, Technology, Financial Services, Non-Profits
- Associate Certified Coach (ACC), International Coach Federation
- Master Certified: Customer Relationship Management
- Master Certified: Leadership Development
- Certificate in Organizational Development, NTL Institute
- Graduate of the Coaches Training Institute
- Coach & Practitioner, Positive Intelligence
- Extensive Training in Dialogue and Facilitative Leadership
- B Ed University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
- M Ed in Adult Education with an Emphasis in Training and Development from the University of South Florida

Tracey Lukes
Clients say … “Tracey supported me in doing the most transformative work that I have ever done. At the beginning of the pandemic I was concerned about the future of my business and my ability to keep it going. Tracey helped me to step back and look at the bigger picture of my leadership. Her coaching allowed me to show up with more vulnerability, create more trust with my team, and make bolder, more courageous decisions as I navigated the challenges that COVID presented. The business actually grew, and become even more profitable, which I never expected was possible.” - CEO, Care Management Company
What Tracey likes best about her work: “is the chance to work with extraordinary people and make a positive difference in how they operate in their life and work. There is nothing more fulfilling than working with clients who are excited and committed to doing their work to create more of what they desire. Coaching unveils the possibilities and supports people in taking steps toward making those possibilities real. It is an honor to support people as they grow in their self-awareness, more fully appreciate their unique set of gifts and talents, and make shifts in how they show up to create more of what they really want - both personally and professionally.”
- Leadership development
- Team development
- Executive coaching
- High potentials & Middle Management coaching
- Relationship Coaching - the crossover between family relationships, communication and team dynamics
- Experiential learning design
- Customized coaching and consulting solutions tied to business results
- Industries: Banking & Financial Services, Professional Legal Services, Architecture & Engineering, Senior Care Services, Consumer packaged goods
- Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coaching Federation
- Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
- Certificate, Co-Active Leadership Program, Co-Active Training Institute
- Certified Practitioner, Leadership Circle Profile 360°
- Certified Practitioner, Collective Leadership Assessment
- Certified Bigger Game® Trainer
- Organization and Relationship Systems Coach (ORSC-trained)
- Coach & Practitioner, Positive Intelligence
- BA, Economics & Psychology, University of California, Irvine

Tya Bolton
Virtual Administrator
Clients say … “Tya is a designer of happy customer experiences. Many say they sleep better at night and feel a weight has been lifted off their shoulders after working with her.” - Nonprofit CEO
What Tya likes best about her work: “... My values are centered around integrity, efficiency, and clear communications. I love being able to leave a footprint in the lives of so many with her skills to help business grow, teams to be more efficient, and help communities to come together in a unified way. I enjoy traveling around the world sharing best practices, learning how culture plays a part in processes and communication, and implementing lessons learned across the board.”
- Project Management
- Strategic Planning and Growth Strategies
- Building Amazing Systems for Collaboration
- Unifying Movements via Community Engagement
- Event Production
- e-Marketing
- CEO of Exceptional Business Solutions, LLC
- Work is recognized by Meta, Google, and LinkedIn
- Featured in media outlets such as The Washington Post, The Washington Post Magazine, The Daily Journal, QCityMetro, WBTV and others.
- Graduate of American Leadership Forum
- Graduate of AmpUp CLT

Wendy Hancharick
Executive Virtual Assistant
Clients say … “Wendy is an amazing administrator who is reliable, accurate, efficient, and fast. Clients love working with her as she keeps everything organized and everyone on track.” - CEO, Business Consulting
What Wendy likes best about her work: ““I love to be in the background assisting business owners and nonprofits with their administrative needs. Whether it’s a creative endeavor such as writing proposals or social media posts, creating graphics, or assisting with day-to-day tasks such as scheduling, correspondence, or research, decades of experience allows me to serve my clients’ needs.”